I love that it’s up-to-date and it’s for all ages very great.
I wanted to share my gratitude concerning your work on promoting tips and information about online safety for kids.
I'm Mari, a Junior Researcher at Wilkes Institute for Environmental Sciences and Sustainability. I just wanted to take the time to send you my greatest appreciation for providing the resources on your page: https://www.woo-uk.com/Woo-Sections/household.html
I must say, it gave me a few takeaways about an environmental topic I recently worked on and I surely was able to provide a greater picture for my presentation because of it. :)
I came across your resource and found it extremely helpful and informative
Firstly, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable insights and inspiration I gained from your resource pages. It has significantly contributed to my research on maximizing small living environments.
I went through your website and read several blogs and I feel they touch the realm of my work and expertise.
I genuinely appreciate the awareness you are creating with the meaningful content on your website
I saw you have some resources on your site regarding Covid-19, They are some great resources and information.
I came across your resource page here https://www.woo-uk.com/Woo-Sections/50club.html, and I wanted to express my gratitude as they have helped me get a better perspective on a research topic due this semester.
I was digging around for information about current internet freedom and censorship situations and came across your page: https://www.woo-uk.com/Woo-Sections/childsafe.html
(Really good resources, I didn't even know about some of them!).
I head our anti Domestic Violence activity. I came across your site and found some great and useful material there, so many thanks for that!
I just wanted to thank the team at Wise Old Owl for putting together your suicide web page! I'm compiling a resource guide for the attendees and I have some student volunteers assisting me. Your webpage led us to some great information to incorporate, so my student requested I reach out and let you know how much you've helped us!
While looking for good resources that address internet privacy specifically for kids, I came across your very helpful page – I really liked what you had to say and have also shared your site with my team.
I saw that you mentioned great information and resources here, and I wanted to share my gratitude concerning your work on promoting tips and information about online safety for kids.
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