I was very impressed it has come a long way, you have done an amazing job.
Have enjoyed browsing around the site looking at things of interest. As a you know Music & the computer is also of interest to me & enjoyed looking through all the music decades, and the Tools section also .
Was lovely to see the B.S.L sign language skills also, as this I had to learn myself when my
Youngest son married a Deaf person, is often challenging but once you learn the basic skills it becomes much easier to communicate which is key .
The emergency page was great & offered lots of information that most people need to know in their day to day life, especially medical Emergency’s we will all come across in our lifetime.
Also the disability page is good to see, as we are all growing older & have found out first hand how challenging everyday tasks can become inside & also outside the home.
You have done an Amazing job & I will be sharing the website to my Family & Friends, thank you so much