Creating community groups and arranging events in villages and small towns is a great way to save money, sometimes things such as insurance can be obtained when two or more people request it.
It can also reduce isolation and lonliness by bringing people together!
The Village Survival Guide is a great resource for those planning to create a community group.
Credit to: Home Advisor
Although more relevant to the US, there are useful ideas that can be applied in the UK. Our weather patterns are changing, and we need to better protect our homes against the elements.
Woo has collated various stain removal ideas, many of these were provided by Biotex.
Woo or Biotex cannot be held responsible for damage to items caused by these recommendations.
Before applying the cleaner to the who garmet of object, test it first on a similar cloth or a small area which is not normally visible such as on the inside.
CLEAR GLUES: For washable fabrics, carpets and furnishings, sponge with warm water before washing as normal.
CONTACT ADHESIVES: Almost impossible to remove once it has hardened. Glue manufacturers may supply their own particular solvent.
CLEAR ADHESIVES: For washable fabrics, carpets and furnishings, try non-oil based nail varnish remover on a pad of cotton wool [not acetate and triacetate, try white spirit].
EPOXY ADHESIVES: For washable fabrics, carpets and furnishings, dab with methylated spirit before it sets.
For Beer, Wines and Spirits.
Washable Fabrics: Soak new stains in Bio-Tex before washing. Old stains should be lubricated with Glycerine before soaking and washing. Difficult stains may need further soaking in diluted hydrogen peroxide.
Carpets & Furnishings: Sponge fresh stains with warm water. Blot well. Try methylated spirit on old stains.
For wasshable fabrics, rinse immediately, dried stains are very difficult to remove from synthetic fabrics. Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For Dried or persistent stains, treat withdiluted hydrogen peroxide.
For carpets & furnishings, Sponge with clear warm water the blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water. For remaining marks use a carpet shampoo or dab carefully with dry cleaning fluid.
For washable fabrics: Soak in Bio-tex before washing. Treat persistent stains with diluted hydogen peroxide.
For carpets & furnishings: Sponge with water, then use a carpet shampoo or a dry cleraning fluid if the mark persists.
For washable fabrics: Pre-treat with a Bio-tex stain remover or soak fresh stains in a cold solution of Bio-tex overnight, then wash.
For carpets & furnishings: Sponge well with cold water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
An alternative is to soak fresh blood stains in Milk, then wash.
For washable fabrics: Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
For carpets & furnishings: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Washable Fabrics: Scrape off surface wax. Place blotting paper on both sides of the stain and press with a warm iron. Spot with methylated spirits to remove any colour before washing.
Carpets & Furnishings: Scrape off as much as possible then melt the remaining wax by pressing a warm iron over blotting paper. KEEP THE IRON AWAY FROM THE PILE, it might scratch or melt.
Washable Fabrics: Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
Carpets & Furnishings: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Washable Fabrics: Soak in Bio-tex or pre-treat with a Bio-tex stain remover.
Carpets & Furnishings: Scrape off excess. Use a carpet shampoo over the stained area.
Washable Fabrics: Act quickly, Soak in Bio-tex before washing.
Carpets & Furnishings: Sponge with clear warm water and blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
For washable fabrics (Whites only): Soak overnight in a colour run remover and whitener.
For mixed fabrics and colours, treat as for Dyes.
Washable Fabrics: Apply a Bio-tex stain remover, lubricate old stains with glycerine and leave for one hour before washing. If stains persist treat as for Dyes.
Carpets & Furnishings: Being careful not to spread further, sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
MASCARA: Sponge with clear warm water and methylated spirit. Rinse, then wash as normal.
LIPSTICK: Dab with methylated spirit followed by a stain remover (soap) bar and water.
NAIL VARNISH: Dab with non-oil based nail varnish remover. Heavy spills or certain fabrics sich as acetate or triacetate need to be professionally cleaned.
Wipe off with a damp cloth. Try methylated spirit if the colour persists.
Washable Fabrics: Scrape off surplus. Apply a grease solvent or Dry cleaning fluid on an absorbent pad. Wash thoroughly.
Non-washable fabrics should be cleaned professionally.
Washable Fabrics: Speed is essential, very difficult to remove if dried-in. Apply a Bio-tex stain remover before washing. If stain persists treat as for Dyes.
Carpets & Furnishings: Sponge with clear warm water and blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Milk, Cream, Ice-cream, Yoghurt.
Washable fabrics: Soak in Bio-tex before washing.
Carpets & Furnishings: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Washable fabrics: Sponge with diluted hydrogen peroxide, rinse well, then appy a Bio-tex stain remover before washing normally. Build-up of aluminium or zinc salts may be impossible to remove.
Bird droppings, cocoa, coffee, cola, curry, fruit juice, food dyes, mustard, pollen, jam, spice stains, tea, tomato sauce, wine, vegetable / fruit stains.
Washable fabrics: Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing normally.
Carpets & Furniture: Try dabbing at the stain with methylated spirit.
Also Mayonnaise.
Washable fabrics: Soak in Bio-tex overnight then wash normally.
Carpets & Furniture: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Washable fabrics: Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
Carpets & Furnishings: Apply a stain remover (soap) to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
See Adhesives
Soak or pre-treat with a Bio-tex stain remover and then wash. Otherwise rub the marks with methylated spirit (Not acetate or triacetate fabrics) the sponge off with clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Pre-treat with a Bio-tex stain remover or soak fresh stains in a solution of Bio-tex overnight, then wash normally.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clean warm water, then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Soak overnight in a 'colour-run' remover and whitener, then wash normally. Use more detergent in subsequent washes and always wash whites separately.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Soak in Bio-tex before normal washing.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clean warm water, then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Ballpoint, felt-tip, permanent ink.
WASHABLE FABRICS, CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Dab with methylated spirits on a cotton bud.
Washable Inks
WASHABLE FABRICS: Twist the affected area to isolate it, then sponge under cold water before normal washing.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge the area to remove most of the ink. Treat with an upholstery spotting kit.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Fresh stains should wash out. Soak older stains in Bio-tex or try diluted hydrogen peroxide, followed by normal washing.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clean warm water, then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
Avoid mildew by not leaving damp washing / towels in your laundry pile. Treat as for Dyes or try a colour-run remover and whitener on white fabrics.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Soak in Bio-tex before normal washing.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clean warm water, then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Brush dried mud from fabrics, then soak in Bio-tex before washing. Stubborn stains will need treating as for Dye stains.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Allow to dry, brush to loosen, then vacuum.
DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED PAINTING - Dried paint marks of any kind are very difficult to remove.
Oil Based: Dab with white spirit or Polyclens, then wash.
Emulsion: Sponge with cold water, then wsh immediately.
Water Colours: Spnge well with cold water, then wash.
WASHABLE FABRICS, CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with cold water, apply a stain remover (soap) bar before washing.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Dab with a solution of white vinegar (15ml in 250ml water). Soak in Bio-tex before washing.
Perspiration sometimes affects fabric dyes and leaves a permanent mark.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Act Fast! Soak fabrics in Bio-tex and then wash.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Use a carpet shampoo or pet stain remover to clean and deodorise. Blot the excess and sponge with clear clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS, CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Rub with Lemon juice, cover with Salt and leave for an hour. Rinse and then wash. If stains remain, treat with a proprietary rust remover, read instructions carefully before using as it is not suitble for all fabrics.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Apply a Bio-tex stain remover, lubricate older stains with Glycerine, leave on for an hour before washing. If stain remains, treat as for Dyes.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Work Glycerine into the stain and leave for an hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with warm water then blot dry. If marks remain apply a glycerine solution for one hour then rinse and use a carpet shampoo.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Soak or pre-wash in Bio-tex. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Sponge with clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Try working glycerine into the stain, then soak in Bio-tex before washing.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Treat as for Upholstery below, taking great care not to over wet the fabric. Where possible test first on a hidden section or sample of the fabric.
Most stains on upholstery can be dealt with in the following way. Sponge with clean clear warm water then blot dry. Apply a stain remover (soap) bar to a damp cloth and work gently into the surface in the direction of the pile. Sponge off with clean water. DO NOT OVER-WET THE FABRIC. For remaining stains dab carefully with dry cleaning fluid. Always test on a hidden area first.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Act Fast! Soak fabrics in io-tex then wash.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Use a carpet shampoo or pet stain remover to clean and deodorise. Blot up excess and sponge with clean water.
WASHABLE FABRICS: Work glycerine into the stain and leave for one hour. Soak in Bio-tex before washing. For dried or persistent stains treat with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
CARPETS & FURNISHINGS: Act Immediately! Cover with Salt and renew the salt several times. Remove the salt and sponge the area with clean water.
Soak overnight in a colour-run remover and whitener. Then wash as normal.