The new telephone number for NHS Direct Wales and Shropdoc GP out of hours services.
Useful information can be found on our IBS page
What Causes Migraine Disease? 5 Factors in Migraine Neurobiology
Credit to: Migraine Disorders
Wide Range of Symptoms
Credit to: Migraine Disorders
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Useful information and help for Migraine sufferers.
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Credit to: Sunnybrook Hospital
Did you know poor diabetes control increases your risk of heart and circulatory diseases? Heart Matters is our free magazine that helps you live with heart and circulatory diseases and their risk factors, like diabetes.
Too many people rush to see their GP as soon as something appears wrong believing they need antibiotics to cure it.
Infections such as Earache, Sore Throats, Cough's and the common cold can not be treated with antibiotics and although uncomfortable for us are much better left to cure themselves.
Keeping warm, having plenty of rest and fluids will do far more than any antibiotic, if they come with a headache then take a paracetemol. If your Throat feels sore then try a spoonful of Honey.
Use tissue's only once and dispose of by placing into bin, wash hands everytime you blow your nose to reduce re-infection.
All schools now have a requirement for a 48 hour restriction on school access to any child with stomach bugs, this is to prevent spreading of the bug between classmates and reducing the possibility of an epidemic forming. But there are other illneses that require absence from school, this list highlights some of them, click button to find out even more.
Also called the 'Winter Vomitting Bug', it is a stomach bug that causes severe vomitting and diarrhoea, it usually lasts about 2 days. But it spreads very easily, and can be caught from close contact with someone with it, by touching surfaces or objects that have been handled by someone with the virus then tuching your mouth, or by consuming food that has been prepared or handles by someone with the virus.
Washing hands thoroughly with soap is vital, cleaning of surfaces and objects with a good anti-septic detergent or bleach will also help reduce the chances of spreading.
You don't have to be Diabetic to control your sugar intake.
Just look at the picture and see exactly how many spoonful's of sugar these common drinks contain.